China: Submarine crew submerge selves for greater good

(China Military News cited from China Daily) -- Generations of commanders and crew members with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy submarine fleet have devoted themselves to the development of China's sea-based nuclear deterrent, a Chinese newspaper said in a rare behind-the-scenes report on the low-profile force.

As one of the most mysterious components of the PLA, the daily lives of commanders and crews on the country's submarines have barely been reported.

However, a recent feature in Beijing-based Science and Technology Daily shed a spotlight on the succession of crews that have worked underwater for more than 46 years on the submarine that once conducted the test launch marking China's sea-based nuclear deterrent.

Changcheng 200 submarine belongs to the PLA Navy North Sea Fleet
The feature, titled Forging the Underwater Sword for the Republic, depicted "the tremendous sacrifice, the remarkable dedication and the huge contribution that commanders and crew members on the Changcheng 200 submarine have made to the motherland's national defense".
Changcheng 200, or Great Wall 200, reportedly entered service in September 1964 and later conducted test launches for sea-based missiles. The submarine belongs to the North Sea Fleet.
On Oct 12, 1982, the submarine conducted China's first underwater test launch for a carrier rocket, which was interpreted by many foreign military analysts as showing China's capability to launch a sea-based nuclear counterattack.

The submarine has set multiple records, including the longest service time and the highest number of missile launches in the history of the PLA Navy submarine fleet.


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