China buys Basler BT-67 (yes, a DC3)

This is the blog of China defense, where professional analysts and serious defense enthusiasts share findings on a rising military power.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

China buys Basler BT-67 (yes, a DC3)! -09/26/c _131160781.htm

China to facilitate aviation support in Antarctic research expeditions 2011-09-26 16:46:14 FeedbackPrintRSS

SHANGHAI, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- China will purchase its first fixed-wing aircraft for the use in Antarctic research expeditions to facilitate aviation support, said a research leader on Sunday.

Aircraft are commonly deployed in Antarctic research expeditions by other countries and their use demonstrates a country's expedition strength in the region, said Sun Bo, a scholar with the Polar Research Institute of China.

Sun made the remarks at the annual seminar on China's polar region expedition and research in Shanghai.

The Basler BT-67, a fixed-wing aircraft produced in the U.S., is likely to be the choice for China's Antarctic expeditions, Sun said. The model has already gained a strong reputation for its multi-functionality of transport, emergency rescue and scientific research.

With the aircraft, China will upgrade its capabilities in scientific research and emergency security in Antarctic expeditions.

Moreover, China is now actively mapping an aviation network, including both aircraft and supporting infrastructure in the South Pole region, he added.

China launched its first expedition to the Antarctic in 1984.

Previous blog entry

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pole Party

More evidence that Chinese activities are causing the ice caps to melt.

But to their defense, what else are you gonna do to after reaching the northernmost point besides swim a few laps and have a BBQ?

Chinese scientists reach North Pole
ABOARD XUELONG, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- A group of Chinese scientists reached the North Pole on Friday afternoon, extending their research on the Arctic Ocean to Earth's northernmost point.

Fourteen Chinese scientists were flown in by helicopter from icebreaker the Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, which carried a Chinese exploration team and reached a point at 88.22 degrees north latitude and 177.20 degrees west longitude.

The Chinese scientists' arrival point marks the Arctic Ocean's furthest north they have ever reached.

The scientists carried out a series of research activities at the Pole, including collecting sea ice and seawater samples and ecological observation.

China's South Pole research station.

Posted byCoatepequeat 7:59 PM


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