An update on the 6th Artillery Brigade

Judging by the photos released from the latest edition of the PLA Pictorial (here), it is confirmed that the 6th Artillery Brigade, 38th Group Army, Beijing MR has traded in its old towed Type 59-1 field gun for two batteries worth of PLZ05 155mm SP Howitzer. Without a doubt, dropping the old towed guns will enhance the mobility of the 6th greatly.

In December 02, 2008, the 6 Artillery was confirmed with the following orbat.

1st Battalion 18xPLZ83 152mm SP Howitzer
2nd Battalion 18x PLZ83 152mm SP Howitzer
3rd Battalion 18x Type 59-1 Towed Field Gun
4th Battalion 18x Type 59-1 Towed Field Gun
5th Battalion 18x PHZ89 122mm MRL
6th Battalion 18x PTZ89 120mm SP-Anti-Tank Gun.

As of today, it's orbat is seen as:

1st Battalion 18x PLZ83 152mm SP Howitzer
2nd Battalion 18x PLZ83 152mm SP Howitzer
3rd Battalion 18x PLZ05 155mm SP Howitzer. (314)
4th Battalion 18x PLZ05 155mm SP Howitzer. (434, 431)
5th Battalion 18x PHZ89 122mm MRL (521, 522)
6th Battalion 18x PTZ89 120mm SP-Anti-Tank Gun. (611, 617, 621)


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