Turkey gets export order for ARMA

Istanbul, Turkey (UPI) Jun 15, 2011 -Turkish tactical vehicle manufacturer Otokar has received a $63.2 million contract for its new ARMA 6x6 tactical armored vehicles.

The identity of the customer wasn't disclosed. Otokar said delivery of the vehicles is scheduled for next year and that the contract provides for spare parts and training.

"This award is the second export contract for ARMA 6x6 in its first year," said Otokat General Manager Serdar Gorguc.

"As the leading designer and exporter of armored vehicles in Turkey, we continue to grow in (the) defense industry with local and international orders.

"This award demonstrates that ARMA is the new generation answer and ideal concept and design for upcoming threats and expectations of modern armed forces. This second contract, which is signed quite soon after the presentation of the vehicle to users, is a strong indicator that ARMA will be one of the flagships of Otokar's product range."

ARMA is the newest product family within Otokar's the tactical wheeled armored vehicle product line.

Otokar said that as a result of a high level of ballistic and mine protection, vehicle's design and integration of various types of mission equipment, ARMA is an adaptable platform for evolving mission needs in a modern battlefield.

The ARMA is 20.9 feet long, 8.85 feet wide and 7.21 feet high. It has about a 19-ton combat weight and carries a driver, commander and eight dismounts in its fully NBC protected hull.

The vehicle is C-130 air transportable in standard configuration.

Otokar said it has a turning radius of 25.7 feet, features independent hydro-pneumatic suspension, flat-tire running capability and a central tire inflation system.

It can negotiate a 45-degree approach and departure angles leading onto 60 percent inclines and 30 percent side-slopes. It can also cross 3.9-foot wide trenches and climb over 23.6-! inch obs tacles.

The vehicle is powered by a 450 horsepower, water-cooled turbo diesel capable of running on F-34 or F-54 fuel and has a top speed of 65.2 mph.

The ARMA 6x6 can be driven in 6x6 or 6x4 modes depending upon the terrain conditions. The vehicle is amphibious and driven by 2 hydraulically driven propellers in water, allowing a high seagoing performance with a pivot turn capability.

ARMA's ballistic and anti-mine protection is provided by a monocoque steel hull.

Development of the ARMA began in 2007 as a company funded development project for home and export markets.

Otokar is an affiliate of Turkey's largest conglomerate, the Koc Group, and offers various types of armored and soft-skinned tactical vehicles for the defense industry.

It was recently awarded a prime contract from the Turkish government for the ALTAY project, which will result in production of the country's first main battle tank.


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